Death stood behind his desk, looking out of the big panorama view window. Slowly brought he the glass with the whiskey to his mouth, looking at the flight of TIE Advanced training maneuvers outside. He smiled as he watched them flying perfectly as one unit, proving why they were elites.

Death emptied the glass, then turned to his desk which was full of papers and datapads. He sighed, then started to work again, processing all the activities of his pilots, recommending medals and promotions. Death smiled as he saw how good his squad run, though they were not at full strenght currently. A few minutes later his comm-station started to beep. Once he activated it, the face of the Commodore of the VSD Aggressor appeared, telling him that the ISD Grey Wolf, the ISD Vanguard and the ISD Intrepid just arrived for the meeting. Death thanked the COM, then switched to another channel to call in all of his pilots. Then he moved to his rooms to get into that damn gala-uniform. While his mind still was filled with all the great stuff his squadron did (flying unbelievable numbers of battles, winning LoCs and other medals, ...), he got to the hangar, where his Squadron already waited. Major Fondor, Major Tarkin, Commander DarkAlpha, Lieutenant Commander Daisuke Airyu, Commander Dax Corrin, all in their Gala-uniforms, blinking in the light (or better, their lots of medals). Death saluted at them, then they entered the shuttle and left for the ISD Grey Wolf, since that was the current flagship of the ASF. While they were on their way, DarkAlpha sighed and started a discussion: "Why do those meetings have to be on the Grey Wolf? Our rooms are much better than theirs, and we have the better bars and such" he said with a smile. Death grinned and returned "Well, because they pay more I guess. Well, just enjoy your stay, enjoy the free drinks you get, look nice, and have some fun while I have the fun of that meeting with the BGCOM and all the others...". Tarkin turned around, asking "Hey Death, btw, when will our new pilot, Commander Marcus Constantine Augustus III finally be assigned? We could really need some more pilots". Death leaned back, sighing tired "Well, he will be assigned as soon as the Flight Officer does his work. I have some more things running in that direction, and I hope he hurries a bit". Death closed his eyes and relaxed a bit.

Five minutes later the shuttle landed in the hangar of the Grey Wolf. Once Death and his pilots left the shuttle, they took a look around, looking for all the other shuttles. Death grinned like a wolf, while Fondor spoke silently "Yeah, the best comes always at the end! All the others are here already...". Death saluted his pilots, reminding them not to use their bloodswords, except if some traitors or rebels showed up, then left for the conference rooms of the Grey Wolf.

Several hours later he returned to the shuttle, to see his squadron sitting there, beeing guarded by a troup of Stormtrooper. Death sighed and looked to the ceiling of the hangar, then moved over to his squadron which was chatting and smiling, some of the uniforms looking not so neat anymore as they did when they came.

Once Death arrived they waved at him, then the commanding Stormtrooper turned to Death: "Captain Death?". Death sighed, then answered "Yes Seargent, what happened?".

The Seargent, beeing reminded that he was a lower rank, saluted, then answered "Your pilots have been involved in a brawl, or to be better, they have been in the core of the brawl...the officers casino has been completely destroyed". Death throwed an asking look to his Squad. Tarkin smiled, then answered "We didn't start it Death. There have been those nasty Grey Wolf pilots, which thought they could insult us, and provocate us to do something wrong. We kept cool, then one of them attacked one of us. It was pure self-defense, and noone was killed. Somehow, some Intrepid and some Vanguard pilots joined in. It was really some fun until the Stormtroopers showed up. We have no losses, but the Doctors of the other ships will have a lot of work soon!"

Death shrugged, then turned to the Stormtrooper "Ok, you can leave now". The Stormtrooper answered "But Sir, they have provocated the..." "Stop it here Seargant! These are my pilots, if they say that they have just defended therselves, than it was like that, UNDERSTOOD?! Good, now get your men and leave me and my pilots. DISMISSED!". Death looked as the Stormtroopers left the hangar. He nodded slowly, then turned to his squad "Hm, well, done, anything else that I should know?". The pilots got up, starting to board the shuttle "Well, because of those insults, I challenged one of the Grey Wolf pilots. I will fly against him, as soon as the Doctor sais that he can fly again, somehow he was hit by a bottle of one of his squadmates who was bad in aiming...or he aimed so bad because he was hit by an Intrepid pilot" DarkAlpha said smiling. Death laughed, then the shuttle started to return to the Aggressor. It has been a quite good week!