Blaze of Glory

by CM RogueWing

    LCM Adams floated there in space. He had never really looked at the stars before. They were quite beautiful. They were not the stars that he had been born under, but they were the ones he would die under. “I would probably enjoy it more if I wasn’t about to die,” he thought. He realized that he wasn’t thinking as quickly as he normally did because he was so cold. The personal magcon field all Alliance pilots were issued would keep them alive in the case of an ejection, but it wouldn’t keep them warm. “I never thought that I could get ambushed so easily,” was his next thought.
    It had started out a fairly normal day. Then came the distress signal from the convoy on the way to their base. They had radioed in that they were under attack by a half squadron of Tie Bombers supported by a flight of Tie Advances. He had launched along with the other members of their X-Wing squadron and formed up before going in hyperspace.
    “Red 9, you and your flight follow us by 30 seconds in case its an ambush.” He had acknowledged the order from his squadron commander. He had impatiently counted down the time before they could go after their comrades.
    Looking back, it was so clear. When the first two flights had emerged from hyperspace, another flight of Tie Advances had ambushed them. His flight was supposed to come in and fall on them from behind. What he had not realized, was that another entire flight of Tie Advances were waiting for any reinforcements. He had not been out of hyperspace more than 10 seconds when he had took a missile just in front of the cockpit. Training took over and he ejected.
    By the luck of the Force, he had wound up floating only 30 meters from the two pieces of his fighter. “I thought I would go out in a blaze of glory,” he said to himself, “not a cold whimper.” Maybe he could still take out one of the enemy. He clicked his comlink over to the frequency he shared with his R2 unit.
    “Junior, are you operational?” He heard a set whistles that he hoped meant yes. “Okay, listen close. I want you to prepare to overload the reactors on the X-Wing. Then find the frequency the Imps are using and send out a message telling them that your pilot is alive and needs pickup.” Junior began whistling and tooting loudly. “No, we are not going to surrender. We just need to lure one of them over here close. Maybe we can take one of them with us. Understand?” The whistles he heard sounded positive.
    Suddenly, one of the Tie Advances started his way. He began waving his arms like he was frightened. The fighter began to slow as it approached. Watching carefully, LCM Adams knew he had only one shot at this. The enemy craft stopped about 50 meters away. He would have liked for it to come closer, but this would have to do. He clicked his comlink, “Junior, its been a pleasure. Now, blow it.”
    Captain Arso cursed under his breath. One of his pilots had gone to close when investigating a distress signal from one of those accused droids. Now, his squadron would be going home short one pilot. But, it had been a good day. A convoy raided for supplies, a Corvette destroyed, the convoy’s fighter escort blown away, and an entire squadron of reinforcements had been done away with by a masterful ambush. He began whistling as his group of fighters began flying escort with the transports sent to retrieve the supplies on the convoy’s ships.

by FL/LCM RogueWing/Ghost 2-1/Wing XI/ISD Immortal