Star Wars: A Call To Arms

History Lesson

We all know, and hopefully love, the game Half-Life. While it has been available for years, it is still regarded as the best first-person shooter in the world…EVER!!!

Based upon a highly advanced version of the Quake I engine (yes, that’s Quake ONE) it not only created a graphically beautiful and very challenging game, but it broke the boundaries of what was expected of a FPS. Most games at that time were great games with a plot thrown in to keep fans happy, but Half-Life took the opposite direction by having a great story with a marvellous game added for good measure.

Along with the well layout levels, fun puzzles, plenty to shoot out, and some unbelievable enemy AI, it was near perfect.

What made Half-Life even better is the number of MODS that were made for it. With Team Fortress and Counter-Strike under its belt, multiplayer gaming with Half-Life took of in a big way, and now HL:Counter-Strike is the most played online game at the moment.

Now there is a new multiplayer MOD around the corner…Star Wars: A Call To Arms. Now let’s continue on with this feature and find out more about SWCA.

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