<Werdna_LB> hello all
<`Tom> Werd LB
<SureFire> Hi!
<Sadista> Hey LB
<MAJ_Trout> hey ed
<Werdna_LB> hello...Major
* MAJ_Trout would like to know when the next BC will be posted
<MAJ_Trout> yeah, some moron thought i should be promoted. oddly enough, an even larger idiot let it go through :)
<Werdna_LB> tomorrow hopefully
<MAJ_Trout> score
<Werdna_LB> it must be getting idiotic, Sadi got promoted to a CPT lately too :o)
* Werdna_LB prepares for the pain
* MAJ_Trout hands a nice juicy slice of pain on a sliver platter, "here ya go"
<Werdna_LB> oh well...Sadista's obviously not listening, so I'm safe
<Sadista> ah, I'm back..
<Sadista> !
<Sadista> grr
<Werdna_LB> ...oh crap
* Sadista beats LB with the leg of a chair
<Werdna_LB> OW!...quit it
* MAJ_Trout joins in the fun and smacks LB with the silver platter
<Werdna_LB> anyway, I respect all Captains as it is the coolest rank in the world ever
<Sadista> Indeed
* Sadista agrees
<MAJ_Trout> MAJ is more fun
*** Werdna_LB is now known as CPT_LB
<`Tom> Bah...You captains think your so high and mighty!
* Sadista wonders what rank Tom is
<`Tom> Below CPT :P
<CPT_LB> I worked long and hard as a FL to become a CPT...I deserve to be high and mighty
<CPT_LB> he's a CM
<Sadista> ah
* Sadista TRIED to get his squadron active, and failed, but got CPT anyway :)
<CPT_LB> don't worry about that, Aleth will always look bad with Beth Squad to compare too
<CPT_LB> :o)
<Sadista> bah
* CPT_LB is of the mighty, wonderful, magnificent, fantabulous Beth Squadron, btw
*** CPT_LB is now known as Werdna_LB
* Sadista laughs hysterically
* Werdna_LB is of Beth Squadron...hear us roar!!!
<Werdna_LB> <grr> <snarl> <woof>
<`T> ...
<Werdna_LB> <cough> <moan> <snore>
* MAJ_Trout gives LB a doggie biscuit
<Werdna_LB> mmm...doggie biscuits
* Werdna_LB howls at the moon
* Werdna_LB pees up a lamp post
* Werdna_LB licks his own balls..."jealous???"
<MAJ_Trout> errr...no
<`Banger> sad
<Werdna_LB> okay then...I'm bored of being a dog now
* MAJ_Trout still sees fleas on LB :)
<MAJ_Trout> Ed the talking dog :)
*** It's about this time that Werdna_LB gets kicked from the channel


* MunkyAway kicks SureFire
* Werdna_LB kicks MunkyAway
<MunkyAway> :(
<MunkyAway> Bad LB
<Werdna_LB> don't be mean to the bot
<MunkyAway> I like being mean to the bot
<LT_SWIFTY> nice bot!
<SureFire> Hehe...
<Myack> gay Bot!
<LT_SWIFTY> bot!
<SureFire> w00t!
<Werdna_LB> you shouldn't be mean...its been here longer than you have and deserves our respect
<Myack> ...
<LT_SWIFTY> hi bot!
<SureFire> Hi.
<LT_SWIFTY> pretty bot!
<LT_SWIFTY> sexy bot!
<MunkyAway> Bah...Bad LB
<SureFire> :)
* Werdna_LB spanks the munky
<Werdna_LB> bad Munky
<MunkyAway> Ohh...Harder LB! Harder! Oh...Thats it!
<Werdna_LB> hmm...quite


*** `K is now known as `Pikachu
<Werdna_LB> Pika...PIKACHU!!!
<Werdna_LB> ...is scum
<`Pikachu> Pika?
<`Pikachu> >:P
* `Pikachu smacks Werdna
<`Pikachu> do not mock the one that is yellow :P
* MunkyAway breaks Pikachu's wonky chicken arms
<Werdna_LB> little dirty piece of fur
<`Pikachu> >:P
<LT_SWIFTY> charmander will kick pikacus ass
* LCM_Wem slaps `Pikachu around a bit with a large trout
<Werdna_LB> I wouldn't use pikachu as a rag to clean my tolet with
* `Pikachu slaps LCM_Wem with a soggy copy of Windows 98 SE with Welsh Spelling
<Werdna_LB> *toilet
* Keiran bets Pikachu outranks Werdna >:p
<`Pikachu> Keiran is correct >:P
<MunkyAway> Yeh...But LB outwits Pikachu
<`Pikachu> Munky is correct >:P
<Werdna_LB> bah...it's worth the courtmarshal
* Werdna_LB moons pikachu and defeats him with the power of "fart"
* Myack dives for cover
<Werdna_LB> now I shall send out "Shoe" to finish off the damned pokemon
<CPTCalvin> ...
<MunkyAway> Go LB!
* Myack starts to chant "shoe,Shoe SHOE
* Keiran stabs Shoe with the pointy end of his VSD
* Werdna_LB is the 152nd pokemon
* Myack watchs as the VSD starts to crumble under the pressure
* `Darkov releases a nerve gas that only affects pokemon into the channel....
* Myack laughs as Q starts to choke
<CPTCalvin> Nerve gas is our friend.
* Werdna_LB isn't really a pokemon, so can still go on to fight through the nerve gas
<Myack> use the shoe LB
<Werdna_LB> now I shall use my greatest power...OLD WAR STORIES!!!
<Werdna_LB> during the war...
<Myack> bah 
* `Darkov knocks Werdna out.. no you won't
<Myack> LB - you werent in the war 
<Werdna_LB> I fought long and hard through out WW2...
<Werdna_LB> but finally my army crumbled and Germany lost...
<Myack> ...
<Werdna_LB> ...so I switched sides at the last moment
* Myack slaps LB around a bit
<Werdna_LB> people may consider me a traitor, but I feel it is a quality that had been passed down though my family for generations
<CPTCalvin> ...
* Myack wonders how old LB-woman is
<Werdna_LB> I am 17
<Myack> soo how did you fight in the war ?
<Werdna_LB> I play war games on my computer
<Werdna_LB> ..but still, life was hard
* Myack stares at LB
<LCM_MAC> in the battlecry
* MunkyAway laughs
* `Darkov wonders whether Werdna has any brain activity at all? :P
<Werdna_LB> yes I do have brain activity, but I don't think it's wired right
<Myack> I have more Brain activity than LB
<Werdna_LB> the doctor says he never saw a brain like mine before
<MunkyAway> No you don't
<Werdna_LB> mind you, he was a student
* `Darkov watches as Werdna short circuits from bad maintenance :P
<Myack> ok I dont 
<`Darkov> cowboys.. I dunno :P
<Werdna_LB> YEE_HAR!!!
<Werdna_LB> RIDE 'EM COWBOY!!!
<Werdna_LB> anyway, stop trying to look into my brain...
<Werdna_LB> ...shows over...nothing to see here


* Werdna_LB is more important than ANYONE!!!
<MAJMinkus> No, Werdna. You're Battlecry Editor. This places you with the likes of Val Ricaud. >:P
<Werdna_LB> Ric??? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
<MAJMinkus> Yes. The First Battlecry Editor... >:P
<Werdna_LB> I know that was his job, but it's not what he is remembered for
<Werdna_LB> I can't repeat what he is remembered for
<MAJMinkus> You can't repeat it, because the list is so damn long. >:P
<MAJMinkus> He's brought disgrace and dishonour to every rank and position he's served in >:P
<Werdna_LB> and you can't tell it apart from a career path or a criminal record


* `Darkov isn't exactly rich
<`Pri> sell yourself Darkov. make some cash.
<Werdna_LB> thats how I get my money...sailor
<`Darkov> heh
* `Pri ties Darkov to a lamp post in Soho.
* CM_Hawk angs a red leather tie to Darkov
<CM_Hawk> that will help
* Werdna_LB puts a "Get Some Here" sign on Darkov
* `Pri places a tube of KY down by Darkov.
<`Pri> you're all set
* Werdna_LB puts a cap on the ground to collect money from happy "customers"


<DJ-Smug> what's the world coming to when Arania agrees with me???
<DJ-Smug> I'm scared
<Arania> to an end :p
<DJ-Smug> eep
<DJ-Smug> the end is nigh... nieh... neigh? how's it spelt???
<Werdna_LB> neigh??? are you a horse?
<`Pri> why, you interested Wernda? :P
<Werdna_LB> you know me, Pri. up for anything
<`Pri> ...
<Arania> lol
<Basia> lo
<Werdna_LB> 'lo
* DJ-Smug shudders
<Argyle> heya basia
* DJ-Smug hides behind Arania
* DJ-Smug realises who he's hiding behind then hides behind Argyle
<Arania> that's so typical Smug :p
<Arania> lol
<DJ-Smug> hang on...
<DJ-Smug> I hind behind you then I can stare at your arse :P
<Werdna_LB> hiding behind a hind
<DJ-Smug> ?
<DJ-Smug> a hind? which is?
<Werdna_LB> hind is another word for backside
<MindB_ndr> a hind = helicopter
<MindB_ndr> (type of)
<Werdna_LB> that too then
<DJ-Smug> ah
<DJ-Smug> what were you thinking of Werdna?
<Werdna_LB> never mind
<`Pri> he was thinking of horses
<MindB_ndr> ewwww
<DJ-Smug> lol
<DJ-Smug> you stay away from my arse Werd :P
<`Pri> you a horse Smug? :P
<Werdna_LB> I don't want it...horses are not for riding
<DJ-Smug> no I'm just telling him
<Werdna_LB> ...they are for eating
<DJ-Smug> that's sick
<DJ-Smug> eeeeeew
<MindB_ndr> bazooka target practice
<DJ-Smug> even sicker
<DJ-Smug> what type of eating?
<Werdna_LB> as in roasted
<`Pri> ...
<MindB_ndr> yup... after that bazooka it would be roasted for sure:P
<DJ-Smug> still sick... only stupid french eat horses and frogs etc.
<`Pri> new quote of the day: Werdna digs ripe horses :P
<Werdna_LB> I could eat anything me
<Kweek> ew
<Werdna_LB> mmm...baby veal
<Werdna_LB> mmm...dead fish eggs
* DJ-Smug caps Werdna
<Kweek> um...ok
<DJ-Smug> sick b*****d
<Werdna_LB> what?!?! it's all proper food you can get in posh places
<Werdna_LB> oh well, I gotta go...so you can all feel safe again
<`Pri> cya
<`Pri> stay away from the farms, ya hear!
<MindB_ndr> ewww
<MindB_ndr> and the old pensioners homes
<Werdna_LB> ewww
<Werdna_LB> I'm not really like that you know
<Werdna_LB> ...I can be worse
<DJ-Smug> ewww
* DJ-Smug shudders
<DJ-Smug> not a mental picture I wanted

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