We had a lot of good discussion and thoughts this month in the TIE Corps/Naval Corps Think-tank. The topic seemed to get people interested in speaking again. It even revealed some ideological differences between people, which hasn’t occurred in a while. What is a subgroup? Is the TIE Corps a subgroup? Is the Naval Corps a subgroup of the TIE Corps, or is it its own SG?

Here is the questions which started it all: How can TIE Corps and Naval Corps relations be improved?

CM Wil_Striker struck first. He thought that there are many pilots who want to be in both the TIE Corps and Naval Corps. To solve this, he said that we should combine the two subgroups and force people who are in both to use one nick, or keep the two and force pilots to decide between the TC and NC. LCM Nurel Turr thought that the two groups should remain separate as the two groups function differently (use different types of ships, different tactics, etc). He even suggested a vote to decide what the NC wants to do. Wil_Striker supported Nurel Turr’s proposal, saying that the NC and TC should only work together directly if need be. Joining the two would destroy the integrity of the TIE Corps. CA:FO/VA Shawshank argued that the TIE Corps has never been its own subgroup: “It doesn't have its own command staff... there is no TC SGCOM, no TCXO, TCOPS, or anything like that. The TC is what the EH started as.” AD Kermee, though, stated in no uncertain terms that the NC as much a part of the TC as the Battlegroups or ASF. In some tangential messages, the idea of the TC/NC merger was brought up. FA Darkov responded by saying that the TC and NC are one subgroup (“the core of the EH”), and the idea of a merger is incorrect. He pointed out that it isn’t a merger, but rather an increase in efficiency. He also recognized that the FO (Sarriss at this time) is best person to ask on this subject.

After Darkov’s post, however, the debate switched gears and focused on something Wil_Striker said in his very first post. He said that some people go to the reserves so that they can focus on their clones in the NC. Kermee was the first (after a few posts) to address this issue. He said that if restrictions are going to be placed on pilots going to the reserves for switching interests, we should extend the restrictions to switching interests in real life. Wil_Striker rebutted with the fact that many pilots in the reserves are using clones elsewhere in the EH, usually in the NC. CM Fenn Logan jumped into the conversation and noted two things: 1. Placing restrictions on going to the reserves and joining SGs limits what people can do to have fun and 2. People who have the games will want to play both starfighters and capships. He gave a better solution: if pilots are going to clone themselves, they must keep both clones active or be struck from the roster entirely. Finally, Fenn Logan noted that if the TC and NC focus on being active, membership levels will fix themselves. Darkov gave GA Ronin’s view on the reserves: it is for pilots who must take an extended leave of absence which requires the pilot to step down from their position. Therefore, they must NOT be active any where else in the EH. He also says that clones are ubiquitous in the EH, and even though he thinks it’s “stupid”, it’s okay so long as both clones are active. Thanks to a summary of a long post, RA Goatham made three points: “1. I think we should make sure people are more sensible about being in both TC/NC. 2. I don't feel we should make the NC its own SG. 3. I do think that your points are good, only we can't enforce them.” In his next post, Goatham questioned why people can’t switch from the TC to the NC (or vice versa) as people might enjoy doing something new without starting from scratch. Shawshank agreed with the RA, restating that the NC is suffering due to a dearth of quality leaders and members, “one major point is that in order to have a good base you need people who know how to command. Unfortunately, someone just in off ‘the streets’ is not able to command as well as someone who has 2 years experience. It's only common sense.” He also pointed out that the NC, unlike the TC, is not large enough yet to survive a membership hit. Fenn Logan reminded us that there are many active pilots who are in both the Dark Brotherhood and TIE Corps at the same time. People do, he said, focus on a specific SG to the detriment of others, but that will always happen. Wil_Striker, again, posted that clones should be told that they must remain active in all SGs they are registered or decide between the clones. Darkov, in another long post, went after in succession the NC, TC, and clones. First, he said that leaders are not that hard to find and if the NC needed some, he’d volunteer (though he said later in the post that he wouldn’t want to fly a capship, so I don’t know what’s up with that). Second, he pointed out the TC’s general malaise that has infected us recently, and that perhaps we need to close some squadrons or even a ship. Finally, he labeled three kinds of clones: 1. EH clones (ex: TC and DB), 2. TC/NC and 3. TC/TC clones. All three types, the FA said, should be okay because there is no conflict of interest anywhere. But if people do clone, they must be active. If not, simply eliminate them. He reminded us that CMDRs do have the ability to remove someone if they are being inactive. “So if you have problems with inactive clones, then don't blame the person who has cloned themselves then run out of time for both, blame the idiot who doesn't remove the inactive.” Wil_Striker ended the conversation by saying that his argument is that we are beginning to see the allowance of clones in the TIE Corps and Naval Corps has been detrimental to both subgroups.

Whew! As I said, we had a lot of posts. I even left out another tangential conversation regarding cadets and our training system because although interesting, it really did not involve the original question posed. But this is definitely how the Think Tank egroups list should be used, with people posting and trying to figure out ways to improve the TIE and Naval Corps.

And be nice people. We’re all in this together.

Written Up By MAJ Troutrooper