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WC/MAJ Theodore reporting in for Wing VIII and the ISD Colossus.

As many in the Fleet may know, the ISD Colossus faced some real changes recently, and that threat has resulted in a resurgence of activity. As a result of the enthusiasm and loyalty of each of the officers of the Colossus, no squaadrons were closed and new talent actuallty was encouraged to return or join with the members of Wing VIII. This talent infusion and re-stirred enthusiasm has the officers of the Colossus looking forward to a fantastic year 2,000!

The traditional squadrons of Mu, Nu, Iota, and Pi are gaining momentum and leadership. Mu has been surging with the recent hiring of MAJ Mell as its CMDR and the subsequent transfers of COL's Renegade and Torres. Together with the Mu vetrans, this squad is one on which to keep an eye. The Wing X connection is not lost on anyone looking for a fast rising star on the Colossus! Look for Mu to be VERY active and VERY arrogant :-)

Under the leadership of CPT Steve Strangelove Nu squadron continues to attract wise cadets from the Daeldaus and continues its dominance of wing activity. Though with all the new blood on the Colossus, look for CPT Steve to get creative in holding Nu's current position of strong activity.

Though Iota squadron has recently lost its CMDR, CPT Merlin, to the reserves, well known officers like LCMs Kayle Bayron and Chei-Ras continue to spread the good word of Iota and are backed up by a tremendous amount of skilled officers. With the right CMDR, again, Iota will be a squadron looking for all honours the Fleet can offer.

Last, and by no means least, Pi squadron has probably the greatest attention drawn to its recent roster changes. The Baron, CMDR-XO/SA Compton has returned to his beloved Pi squadron to fight for dominance in the Wing and the Fleet. Together with former Pi CMDR CPT Zys Fryer, SA Compton joins a squadron with skill and enthusiasm. Under the guide of the venerable XO, expect Pi to make a push for FCHG leadership on a squadron-wide basis.

All this activity combines to reveal a Wing and a ship with reinvigorated purpose. The ISD Colossus clearly sees the possibilites for the future are endles. Each squadron has the leadership and skill to dominate their enemies, together any enemy slip up would be a Colossus mistake!


WC/MAJ Theodore/Wing VIII/ISD Colossus
BSx2/ISMx10/MoT ghx2/MoC-6BoC/CoL [HUSS]

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