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Things on the ISD Immortal continue to move along nicely. We've had a recent personel turnover of about 4 pilots, some left, more came :)

On the agenda for this report is that we have begun a new competition. It is internal and LC Blade has named it "Tribe Wars". We've divided the ship into groups of 4 pilots, creating some interesting pairings :) I hope to see some nice results from this competition. The first phase is to have the participating groups create an XWA free-mission, then the best mission will be selected to be flown by all groups. Should be lots of fun and we hope to get a few free missions out of it, if we can't combine some into a full battle </HOPE>

On the topics of new battles, CPT Jeffery Domm has a battle created and has released it to the immortal for testing before he submits it to the TAC office. It will be nice to have another battle as about half, if not more, of our pilots do not own TIE.

Integrating the Immortal into the rest of the fleet has not been easy, but has been acomplished (in my opinion anyways). This has been thanks to a surprisingly large number of pilots that do own both XWA and TIE. They've helped spur some impressive activity onboard the Immortral by participating in Fleet and Battle Group competitions. All that being said, we are not a TIE wing and we continue our work on developing quality battles/missions/competitions/activities all centered around our wonderful platform, XWA :)

I hope to see some good things from our recent influx of cadets, if they turn out well, and our current pilots continue their high levels of activity, people will be hearing more about the Immortal.

COM/VA Marc/ISD Immortal (Dragoon)
PC/ISMx4/MoI/IS/LoCx4/MoC-9B-10S-10G-2P {IWATS-SM-TT-M-M/2-IIC-IIC/2}
MIS - Guardian's Edge

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