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From the desk of Rear Admiral Cyric, Commodore of the ISD GreyWolf

Sitting here in my quarters aboard the ISD GreyWolf, an Imperator II Class Star Destroyer and in my estimation the pride of the ASF, I see all of the brilliant pilots on patrol from WING XIII. From Strike, Assault, Heavy Assault, Fighter, to infiltration, this Ship can handle anything the Rebellion can muster.

Recently VA Sarok had us patrolling the southern most portion of the galaxy where we met little resistance.

Not a ship lost, nor a crewmember injured and we return to the convoy of the Emperor’s most vaunted fleet the Aggressor Strike Fleet. We will continue to further the goals and desires of the Empire. In doing so, our pilots must undergo constant training and various competitions against other squadrons on the ship.

Much of our sessions can be monitored using the imperial communications network at or by direct communiqué at

We offer much for the pilot and encourage only the strongest of Heart to attempt to be a member of the GreyWolf. Courage, determination and commitment are expected for we are "The Prowling Hunter" for the glory of the Empire and the TC. "Divided we crush, United we Destroy"


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