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From the desk of Vice Admiral Sarok, Commander of the Aggressor Strike Force.

Well, I've now been BGCOM of the ASF for almost two months, funny, it doesn't feel that long. Much of my time have been occupied with finding new WC's and COM's since there occurred many transfers the first weeks, but I now feel that I have a some good people working for the ASF.

After those problems were solved we started looking into the fact that some squads had a large number of SL's in them, something that was quickly remedied however. The number of pilots has been pretty stable in the ASF even so, increasing slightly which is good to see.

This week also sees the start of the first ASF-wide competition (not counting 'Mission Critical' ran by VA Domi back when he was BGCOM.. :) I hope it will be an exciting event for all those who wish to take part. The competition will among other things decide which ship will carry my banner until the next competition. I'm really getting tired of living in the engine compartment on 'STRKC Prowler' you know..

Next in my plans, and sadly overdue is the new ASF page.. No rest for an old space-dog.. :P

I feel the next month will be our best ever, with all the new CS getting warm in their clothes and activity once again on the rise in the squadrons.

Keep an eye out for us..!

BGCOM/VA Sarok/Aggressor Strike Force

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