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Life onboard a soveriegn class super star destroyer is filled to say the least. It can take you buy surprised if your not ready for it. It sure did for LCM Mordred Pendragon. Joining the Imperial Navy at the request of his good friend Vlade, Mordred packed up his life and left his pirate friends. After finishing basic training it was off to PSI Ssquadron. Since then he has been flyng, vaping rebs and ofcourse drinking. It helped that he had friends like CM Vlade, CM Ford Prefect, LCM Psyko and the rest of PSI. Sometimes life can be even more tumultous.

"CM Vlade and LCM Mordred report to the PSI briefing room asap!" the announcement echoed through Mords room. Jumping up from his chair , he slipped on his boots, placed his cap on his head and headed out the door. As he walked past Vlades room he slowed and waited for the CM. The door opened and out stepped Vlade also in his flight uniform.

"Hey Mord punctual as always," stated the CM as he pulled his flight jacket on.

"You got it sir. What do you suppose this is all about?" inquired Mordred as they began walking.

"Who knows man, he said no missions for awhile with you just getting married and all," Vlade said.

An eerie feeling came over them as they continued to walk. Loosing himself in thought Vlade was shocked to hear Mords voice,"You ever think about getting married sir?" The question seemed odd to him. Why would he think about that? His live was given to the Empire. He had no time for

marriage. "Actually LCM I dont think about it much." he answered flatly as they arrived at the door.

Inside the breifing room LC Sasquatch and Cm Ford Prefect were talking heatedly and stopped.

"Gentlemen sit down, I was just telling Ford that something major has come up. Advance recon has shown shown rebel activity in our sector. I know I told you guys that you could take i easy but we need you. You are dissmissed to your crafts," with that said the LC walked out.

" Why is it everytime there are rebels in our sector its considered major?" pondered Vlade.

Disgusted Ford slammed his data pad onto the table,"Mord I am sorry. I know your on your honeymoon but Sas would not ask us to do this if here was someone else."

"Dont sweat it boss. I am sure it will be routine. Besides I have been itchin to vape some rebs.

"Good show Mord. A bottle of my best scotch to whoever gets the most ck's!"

Smiling brightly the infamous II flight headed for their crafts.

* * *

" This is Dragon prepared for launch" stated Mord as he finished his preflight checklist.

" Roger Drogon performing Launch now" came the answer from the comm Officer.

Mordred gripped his flight stick as the launching mechanism released his craft.

"Dragon this is Boss, form up on Viper's wing and set engines to full power,"crackled Fords voice over the comm.

"Roger Boss coming up on Viper now at full power. Lets do this and get home."

"Copy that Dragon, I want Boss's best!" chirped a happy sounding Vlade.

"Allright guys radio silence untill further notice."

Following Fords orders mOrd muted his radio. It would be twenty minutes before they engaged the rebs. Mordred hated these times before a fight. He always felt like he should come up with some valiant saying incase he got shot down but today he couldnt. Today his thoughts were with his wife. They had an appointment today to check on the status of their unborn child. Lucky for him his wife was understanding. Letting his mind go he began remembering the times before they got married. The first kiss, the first date. His thoughts were shattered by the crackle of the comm.

"Heads up boysWe got two squads of A-wings coming in fast.Viper break right, Dragon you break high and I will head straight on on my mark, copy?"

"This is Dragon sir I copy."

"This is Viper, Copy."

"Hold steady........steady...little longer... break now!"

Pulling hard on his stick Mord brought hisT/A on a straight climb. His left hand on the computer brought up the nearest target and set his Advanced Concussion missles to the ready. In a matter of seconds he had a lock and two missles catapulted from his craft. The A-wing attempted a quick dive but was to late. The missles shredded him. Targetting the next rebhe switched to ION cannons. Laser blasts crackled on his sheilds as he made a head on run at his new target. Readjusting the sheilds he settled in behind the A-wing. UNleashing a volley of Ion bolts mord laughed as the computer

showed the A-wing disabled.

"Dragon to Boss, two down. How we doing?"

"Dragon this is Boss Viper reports four down and I just finished off a second. I am showing zero targets. Good work Guys we will stay for fifteen more minutes and then we are out of..... wait a minute. I am showing massive targets! Viper to agree?"

"Roger Boss I am showing 1 Mon Cal Battle Cruiser, Two medium Frigates and a bucketload of fighters!"

"Uh Boss this is Dragon what do you suggest?"

"Prepare to fight Dragon and I will attempt to get us some help. Hold tight guys and watch your six!"

"Roger Boss. Anytime Baby!" came the response from Viper.

Jerking hard to the left as his computer alerted him of an incoming missle , Mord adjusted his weapons to lasers and targeted the missle. Shooting it down he made for the closest target.An Xx-wing. Reversing his flight path he engaged the X-wing at full throttle. Setting lasers to quad fire he waited for the targeting box to turn green and opened up on him. The pilot of the X-wing reacted quickly and veered off down and to the right. Quick on his tail Mord followed and fired three more times. The X-wing exploded and Mord flew right threwthe explosion. never one to celebrate an easy kill. He switched to the next target. Another A-wing. The reb slipped in behind him and Mord remembered what Vlade had told him,"Always fligh so you cant get hit!" Mord killed his engines and dropped his T/A low. The pilot of the A-wing wasnt expecting it and flew right over him. As soon as

the a-wing began to clear his craft, Mord slammed the engines to full power and Blasted the A-wing to Hoth and back.

"Dragon behind you!" screamed Viper as a B-wing dropped in and fired a concussion missle. Catching him totally of guard the missle slammed into his craftknocking out his sheilds and cannons. The B-wing opened fire with lasers and wiped out Mords flight controll.

" Boss this is Dragon! I have lost sheilds, weapons, and flight controll. I still have engines so I am redirecting power and flying out to try and regain something.!" screamed a frantice Mordred. Another blast and out went his sensors. Great thought Mord. I am blind and defensless.

"Boss this is Viper, Dragon is a sitting Duck I am moving to assist!"

"Negative Viper. Dragon will have to fend for himself, I cant take this on alone. Boss to Dragon. Mord hang on Help will be here soon." Ford tryed to sound confident and hoped that Mord sensed that. He knew Mordred would understand why Viper couldnt go out and watch him. He disliked the fact that he had to leave one of his pilots all alone. Keeping an eye on Mord he continued to fight on. Blasting apart a T-wing he wondered why no one had arrived to help out. Ten minutes passed. Twice the rebs had tried to Vape Mord and twice Viper had stopped them. Ford knew this could

not continue. His sheilds were gone and his cannons had been dammaged. His manuverability was slow and he was getting tired.

"Boss to Viper. How you looking?"

" Not good Boss my senors and sheilds are toast."

"Copy Viper I am in the same situation."

Boss this is Dragon. Weapons are back online and I have some manuverability, engaging nearest target now!"

Ford relaxed a little. Although damaged Mords help was greatly needed. Craft after craft exploded or was disabled as Mord attacked with a vengeance. Four minutes had passed and his kills were up to five.

"Boss this Viper, I have an Idea. What if we targtet the Mon Cals hangar bays. If we could damage them then we could hold out a little longer."

"Good idea Viper lets do this in waves. Youfirst. Hit with missles then lasers then lastly IONS. I will follow and Mord will follow me."

"Copy Boss I am heading in."

Ford hoped this would work He would have to fly blind though. That last X-wing took out his sensors. Screaming through a pair of Bb-wings Ford unleashed his anger on them. The first B-wing blew up quickly the second reacted, albeit slowly. Ford locked on and quickly finished the job.

"Boss this is Viper. I ma out its your turn."

"Roger Viper!"

Adjusting his flight path Ford made way to the Mon Cal. Nothing to it he thought. Dancing between cannon fire Ford closed on the Mon Cal. Firing missles without lock, the bay lit up in fire and melted metal, lasers blasts flew from his crafts and IONS were quick to follow. As he finished his pass he broke for the nearest starfighter and engaged.

"Dragon she is all yours."

" Copy Boss I am on it!"

Ford let Mordred do his job. He couldnt worry if his fellow pilots lived or not he just had to stay alive untill help arrived.

"Dragon to Boss. Mission accomplished sir but I dont think it helped. Three more Squads are launching. Sorry guys Geuss this is when we need one of tho......" Mord was cut off

"Attention PSI II Flight. This is SSSD Sovereign please advise your situation.

"Soveriegn this is Flight leader.We need help NOW! VERYHOT!

"Roger II flight we are launching wing II now. Go ahead and bring your boys home."

"Flight II this is SAS. Good work guys come on home."

Together II flight made its way home.

* * *

Three days had passed since that fight. II flight was debreifed and sent on R and R. Mordred was just finishing his Kung Fu workout when his comm beeped.

" Mordred its Vlade. Dont answer because this is a recording." Puzzled Mord listened to his friend. " The day after our Night of Hell I recieved word from our old friends. It seems they want me back. To be honest I need a break man. I geuss this has had me questioning my own Mortality. I need sometime to get my mind together. You know that question you asked me. Well the answer is Yes now. Take care bud and maybe I will see you soon." The comm switched off and Mord walked over to his holo screen. He had it set to show a Corellina sunset and stood watching it for a while. Softly he said to himself" Goodbye my friend"

1 month later

"What do you mean they drank it all?" asked an angry LCM Mordred

LT Jon Doyel held up his hands, " Hey your the one who said they could guard the liquor cabinet. By the way isnt Stone on leave right now? Sshouldnt we check his stuff?"

Nodding his head in agreement Mord and Jon headed to Stones room. Upon arriving the noticed clothes all over his bunk. Just then 'Sanj came upon them and saw what they were looking at, "CPt Darkstaris not going to like this."

"When does he get back?" asked Mord.

"Today sir he is due in any minute now." answered Doyel. Walking away from Stones room, Mord took a look over his shoulder and saw SL. Inkwolfdart into Stones room. Smiling to himself he walked on.

"SL'S Inwolf, Sidian and Proton report to the briefing room," boomed Sas's voice.

Within minutes the three strode into the breifing room and froze at what they saw. Sasquatch stood at the front with all the pilots of PSI behind him.

"SIT DOWN!" ordered Sas. The SL'S quickly complyed. Sas turned and nodded to Ford. Ford came around to stand infront of the three newbies and handed each of them a bottle. A little confused they accepted it and thanked him. One by one all of PSI came around and did the same.. After they were done Sas spoke up" You three like to drinkso here you go. You have

fifteen minutes to drink every drop and thats an ORDER!"

The SL's quickly began drinking. Chocking on the potency of the liquor the fellow pilots had chosen. When they got to drunk the pilots of PSI happily poured it down them. In less then 10 minutes the bottles were


"Let them sleep. Tomorrow will be real fun."stated Sas maniacly.

The next morning

"WAKE UP! RED ALERT! Psykos voice ripped through their heads.

Dark Spector began violently shaking the new recruits and Rhinok stood over them with a big buckett of freezing cold water. The three woke up groggy and really hung over.


Attempting to snap to attention and vommiting on the floor the three made their way to laundry. There they found a grinning Mord.


"yes sir!" they shouted meekly. Holding their stomachs they began doing laundry. The chemical smell adding to their headaches.

Mord turned on his heal and walked down the hall to the hanger. He muttered to himself," Drink my liquor will ya."

* * *

"I cant believe all the crap we've gone through this week," complained SL Sidian.

"I know, between polishing everyones medals and washing their starfighters we have been busy. These guys got alot of medals." stated Proton

"You think thats bad I have to re stencil Mords Dragon on his T/A," exclamied Inkwolf.

The three continued to scrub the PSI Breifing room. Just wanting to get the job done they worked on in silence for the duration of their toothbrushes life expectancy.

Inkwolf looked at her toothbrush and realised it had reached the point that Darkstar said they could stop."

"Thats it guys I am heading to the hanger to work on Mords T/A." she said as she headed out the door. She knew why she was doing more than every one else. It was her idea afterall to drink the liquor. Liquor, that was something she didnt want to see for a long time. Not after what PSI did to them. She could still taste it. Gathering her paints she began working. Letting her body do the work she began to wonder how many times Mord had flown this craft into battle.Where had this thing flown to. Would he die in it?

"I hope so!"

Shocked she turned and saw Mord standing next to her,"Pardon sir?"

"I hope I die in it," he restated placing his hand lovingly on his craft. "A pilot has to trust his or hers craft. When your out in the thick of it this thing is all you have. You should know it better than those who work on it and it should know you. Its not just a machine it is really a part of you."

"I never thought of it that way." she said looking at her own craft," So how does it look?" she asked pointing to the dragon.

" Looks good. I think you have paid your dues, Sas wants to see us right away."

Together they headed to the breifing room.

" Lets go ahead and get started," said LC. Sasquatchas he stood." Folks we have orders. It appears the EH wants to set up an outpost in a top secret area. Patrols have shown massive rebel activity and PSI is going in to clean it up. Your orders are programmed into your crafts and we will be leaving in the morning. No drinking tonight I want everyone sober. Including you Mord," he paused as the squad laughed, " I am not one for speeches but I do have something to say. Over the past couple of months this squad has seen alot of action, lost a valued pilot and almost lost another. Yet in the wake we gained three new and eager pilots. As you head out of here, look at those around you. Get to know them. These are the people who willbe there when you need it. One person doesnt make a squad. It is all of us untied that makes up what we call PSI!" as LC Sas finished all of PSI

stood and applauded. They were a team. They were PSI!

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