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Written from Lieutenant Vice Bane's Point of View by Major Wet Willy. 12/13/99

It was the middle of the night when I awoke to a slight tapping on my
door. I had no clue who or what it could be, but I'm not going to take
any chances. I pulled on my flight suit pants and grabbed my blaster.
I inched towards the door, carefully, but I was very curious as to who
would be coming to my quarters this late at night. I reached out
carefully, while standing along side the door, and hit the open button.
The door swung open, and for a moment, I didn't see anything, or
anyone. Eventually, my curiosity got the better of me; I swung around
and pointed the blaster directly out of my door.
To my surprise, I was pointing a blaster directly in the face of the
beautiful tech, Lieutenant Heather Greenhart. She was a girl whom I've
admired from afar for many weeks. She was wearing a black skin-tight
jumpsuit, it was very sexy. She smiled as I looked over her body.
"Well, hello there, Lieutenant Bane," she said to me, inviting herself
into my quarters. "You gonna point that thing at me all night?"
I blushed, as I suddenly realized that I was still holding the blaster,
pointed at her. "Oh, sorry," I said. "Is there something going on?"
"Nope, just thought I'd drop in and pay you a visit." She winked at
me, and sat down on the corner of my bunk. I quickly followed and sat
down next to her. We engaged in casual small talk for a little while,
but from out of no where, she sprung over and kissed me, a long,
passionate kiss.
From there, she proceeded to remove my pants and I was about to take
off her's when she suddenly jumped off of me, and scurried half way
across the room. Playing hard to get, I thought to myself. I got up
and followed her, wearing only my boxers.
"Well, well, now, someone's having fun, and we weren't invited," a
familiar voice said from behind me. It was Major Wet Willy, my smart
assed commander. He walked in, and I was suddenly embarrassed by my
lack of clothing. Willy signaled to Heather to come over to him, she
did. He put his arm around her shoulders and whispered something into
her ear. She nodded, and giggled a little bit to herself. He handed
something to her, but I couldn't tell what it was.
With that, Willy turned around and yelled, "OKAY GUY'S, COME ON IN!"
That scared me, suddenly, tons of the members of wing started piling
into my quarters, and all the while, I was just standing there in my
After the last of the members of the wing piled into my tiny quarters,
with a lot of them still hanging out in the hallway, Willy began
speaking. "Lieutenant Commander Vice Bane, you dog, hey everyone, look
at what we've got here. My flight leader patronizing with a tech, and a
very sexy one, I might add. Aren't we all so very proud of him?" He
snickered, and a lot of aplause and whistling came from the crowds.
Wait a minute, it just hit me, what the Major had said.
"Luu.Luu.Lieutenant Commander??" I stuttered.
"That's right, buddy," he replyed, and with that, he signaled to
Heather. She walked over to me, and bent down to her knees. She then
proceeded to pin a nice new and shiny Lieutenant Commander's badge to my
boxers. She patted the new badge and winked at me. I smiled back.
With that, everyone began cheering and Wet Willy, Corran Force, and
Torres came over and saluted and congratulated him. Everyone began
clearing out of the room, headed for the Challenge's cantina for
celebration, leaving only Willy, Heather, and me. Willy whispered to
me, "That party out there if for you, but we won't mind if you're a
little late." With that, he winked at me, and left the room, closing
the door behind him.

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