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Krayt squadron and The Rebel Assasin

Lt Jourdain brought his GUN round in a wide arc and dropped onto the tail of his attacker, a Rebel A-wing. He quickly switched to missiles and fired a pair of linked Concussion missiles straight into the A-wings engines. It disintegrated and blew shrapnel in all directions, in an unshielded TIE he would have been worried but luckily his Gun had shields. "Good kill 3" came Lt PFJO’s voice from the comm. Just as Jourdain targeted the next attacker the whole fighter lurched, red lights flashed on the status screen. An A-wing flashed past the viewport. "I need help here! I’ve lost shields, engines and hyperdrive" shouted Jourdain. "Coming Lt." shouted Commander Jdf1984 as he turned towards Jourdain’s stricken craft. The rest of the squadron continued strafing the asteroid base they had been tasked to destroy. The A-wing swung round for another pass. As soon as the Commander was in range he opened up with his lasers and scored glancing hits that were absorbed by the smaller crafts shields. Suddenly the A-Wing imploded and for a second all Jdf1984 could see was white. "What? Who got that, I didn’t hit it!" exclaimed a puzzled Jdf1984. "I did Commander," said a voice from the com , "looks like we arrived just in time. Now that’s Two drinks you owe me Jourdain." "CM. Lusankya is that you? "said Jdf1984 "Sure is. Lucky we Copperhead squadron boys stopped by."

Later that day back on the ISD Intrepid the Krayt Squadron pilots were drinking in the Bar when some pilots from the ISD Grey Wolf arrived and started ordering drinks. "How come you guys are here? Said Lieutenant Togona . "We had to escort a GA Ronin’s shuttle over from the SSSD Sovereign" said one of the pilots. "Wonder what he is doing here?" wondered Lieutenant Apophis. "Maybe were to go on an offensive sortie against the RS!" said Lieutenant D. Rizen excitedly. "Or maybe we are just going to patrol round Aurora or Phare again." said SL Patrick Blastfire. Suddenly an announcement boomed over the tanoy making them all jump and making Lt Jourdain spill his Lomian Ale "There will be a briefing for all pilots at 0750 tomorrow with GA Ronin. That is all".

CM Jdf1984 woke with a jolt, It was 0213 in the morning. He was about to turn over and go back to sleep again when he heard a noise in the corridor. He opened the door of his quarters just slightly only to see a Tech named Samir creeping towards the Turbolift. He was wearing rubber plimsoll’s and had a blaster in one hand and a Vibroblade in the other. Jdf1984 swiftly woke Lieutenant Togona who he shared his quarters with and told him what was happening. He went to wake the others while Jdf1984 followed Samir. When Samir got to the Turobolift he keyed in the Command Superstructure Door 1 as his destination and stepped inside. As soon as the door closed Lt Jourdain and SL Patrick Blastfire came round the corner. "Where did he go" mouthed Lt Jourdain. "Command Superstructure Level 1." said Jdf1984. "There is nothing much there except the guest quarters" said Patrick Blastfire. "GA Ronin is staying in them!" Said Jourdain "Do you think..." "yes I do Lt." replied Jdf1984 " Is there anyway you can slow the turbolift down?" "I’ll get on it boss" replied Lt Jourdain as he reached for the screwdriver in his belt and started unscrewing the access panel. "The rest of you follow me." Shouted Jdf1984 to the assembled Krayt squadron pilots woken by Lieutenant Togona. They ran towards a service turbolift and entered the code for the Command Superstructure Door 2. "Level 2 ?"queried Sub-Lieutenant Mind Bender. "Yup, there is an access conduit that leads to Level 1, it will be quicker." said Jdf1984 as they ascended. The door opened to level 2 and the pilots pushed past the startled tech’s and officer’s. They got to the conduit and started climbing.

Jdf1984 poked his head out of the conduit access door and saw Samir applying a code lock breaker to the door of the guest quarter’s. The door clicked and Samir started pushing it open. Jdf1984 squeezed off a quick shot missed and squeezed of another. Samir turned startled, and ducked behind a pillar, he squeezed off a shot and hit Lieutenant PJFO in the knee, he grabbed his knee, let out a pained groan and collapsed to the floor, unconscious. The other Krayt squadron pilots filed out of the conduit access door and took up positions behind doors and pillars firing all the time. Suddenly the general alarm went off filling the whole ship with noise. "Well done Jourdain" thought Jdf1984 .Samir poked his head round the pillar and expertly shot again hitting Mind Bender in the shoulder. He then started backing off towards the turbolift.

Suddenly the Turbolift door hissed open and Lt Jourdain was standing there blaster in hand. He could not miss Samir at a distance of 5 yards, a bright blue beam flashed out of Jourdain’s blaster and hit Samir in the back. He gasped for breath then collapsed on the floor. "Sorry I didn’t come faster sir" smiled Lt Jourdain. "Its OK Lt, none of our pilots were seriously injured luckily." panted Jdf1984.

Later on an intelligence operative came to the squadron briefing and when it was over he addressed the pilots. "That man, Samir, you captured last night, he was a rebel agent tasked with assassinating GA Ronin well done for stopping him. By the way how are your injured pilots?" "They will be OK." Said Jdf1984 "With a few more hours in the Bacta tank."

By Fm/Lt Jourdain/Krayt 2-3/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid/ISM/MoI

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