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Imperial Navy Pilot Record

Personal Background information

(Imperial Security Bureau)



Name: Ryan Miller

Rank: Sub-lieutenant

Current Assignment: Flight Member

Scandoc Transmission Code (e-mail address) :

Sex (M/F): Male

Race: Human

Date of Birth: 16 years before the battle of Yavin

Place of Birth (Please include Homeworld): Corusant

Marital Status (Single, Married, Divorced, Separated): Separated, wife killed by miss fire during the first New Republic assault on Corusant

Family: Mother and Father on Corusant, Sister at Kessel, Brother a pilot for te New Republic.

Social Status (Destitute, Poor, Well-to-do, Wealthy, Nobility): Poor

Significant Events of Childhood & Adolescence: When the Death Star was destroyed at Yavin Ryan’s older brother decided that he was going to join the Rebel Alliance but his parents managed to keep him from going until finally after the Battle of Endor. Ryan didn’t like the Rebel Alliance much because he considered them cruel and dangerous. He grew up on Corusant which was under Imperial rule and felt that the Empire treated it’s citizens very well, supplying them with everything they needed and keeping them protected. He hoped to one day become a member and get a chance to go into the famed Imperial Palace which he could see from where he lived. When his brother joined the New Republic he felt that he was never going to see him again, and couldn’t understand why he joined, but he always hopes that one day he will be able to see him again.

Significant Events of Adulthood: At the age of 22 Ryan got married to Illa Graham, and hoped to start a family with the space port business he had started. When the New Republic assaulted the planet wife was killed when one of the skyscrapers was destroyed by some X-wings. It was tragic for Ryan and he quit his business and fled the planet to start a different life away from the New Republic.

When he was 26 his Sister was captured by some bounty hunters and she was sent to the mines of Kessel after being accused of smuggling. Ryan doesn’t know if she really was smuggling, but he is sure it can’t be true, since she never believed in doing things illegal. He is always trying to find a way that he can some how rescue her from the mines.

He later joined the Empire at Byss as a pilot but returned to Corusant after the Imperials recaptured the planet. A civil war was going on while he was there and many people were killed. His parents had moved to a area where there was the least fighting going on and they stayed relatively safe. A year later he joined up with the Emperor’s Hammer to help defeat the New Republic.

Alignment & Attitude: Friendly, confident, enthusiastic, likes to help others with problems, sometimes mysterious and always hiding the secret about his brother being in the New Republic.

Former Occupations (if any): A space port worker on Corusant before the capture of the planet by the Rebels. Later he became a manager of a repair yard near Corsin. When the Emperor returned at Byss he joined as a fighter pilot. After the recapture of Corusant he returned to see his parents for a year, but when then the planet was captured again by the Rebel Alliance he fled and joined the Emperor’s Hammer.

Hobbies: Stunt flying, racing, firearm practice

Tragedies: Wife killed at Corusant, sister captured and accused of a crime of smuggling and sent to the mines of Kessel, brother joined the New Republic after the fall of the battle of Endor.

Phobias & Allergies: Allergies to Bacta

Personal views of the Empire (and Emperor's Hammer): Ryan considers the Emperor’s Hammer a courageous force of fighters that are trying to stop the corruption in the Galaxy by defeating the New Republic. He hopes that the EH can expand and win victory so that peace can be restored.

Reason for applying to the Emperor's Hammer Elite Strike Fleet: After receiving news that Emperor’s Palpatine was killed he left Coruscant and looked for a way to fight the Rebel Alliance, when he heard about the EH he decided that the best way he could help was to use his skills as a pilot and become a member.

Other comments or information (optional): Ryan was nicknamed the Razor by his friends when he was young because of his quick reflexes and sharp mind. He has allergies to Bacta and can’t go near it. Despite this he still takes risks and stunts as a pilot.

I hereby confirm that the above information is legitimate and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

Signature: Ryan Miller (The Razor)

Date: 1/8/2000 Earth Time

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