Wing II – The Year in Quotes, 1999

A Wing II Quote of the Week special

Compiled and submitted by:

WC/GN Gallows/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign



"I pity da foo dat thinks Rho isn't all that!" -MAJ Freelancer

"Duct tape is a bit like the has a light side, a dark side and it binds together the Universe" -CM Priyum Patel

"Oh, Harks, can we pick the clown suits?" -MAJ Freelancer

"Better give me the measurements for your clown suits, folks..." -MAJ Harkonnen

"Now, nobody needs to get hurt, son ... Put the trout down." -MAJ Freelancer

"Bass-ically, Free, these puns stink." -MAJ Harkonnen

"Crazy COM Kramer has ordered Rho Squadron to switch to TIE Bombers!" -COL Dave, in the officer briefing of his Bombing Run Blowout T/B mission

"Wouldn't want Rho to get all revved up and crush the wrong squadron, now would I?" -MAJ Freelancer

"Oh, ya, it also causes sterility in some extreme cases." -LC Calias

"Would you like to concede now and save face, or shall we beat you to ashes?" -COM/FA Kramer in an exchange with Wing VIII flag officers

"Let's send 'em all home crying to their commodore." -MAJ Sasquatch, referring to the braggarts of Wing VIII who have been talking big on the message boards

"Heh heh, me kill Rebel :P" --FM/LCM Sanj/Psi 3-2 upon receiving the Legion of Combat

"And lastly I apologize to Lady Laughter, who apparently has left the building

with Elvis." -FA Kramer

"Woohoo! Sas is away: time to party! Kegger in the Psi Lounge!" –CM Vlade

"Ford'll bring the Ewok salsa." -LCM Ford Prefect

"First though, I'd like to thank a mutual friend of the squadron ... "CMDR" Jack Daniels, who apparently watched over you all while I was away." -MAJ Sasquatch

"Sas, I'm making a lotta profit off of this, I'm sending some really crappy liquor to the Rebels under assumed identities, so trust me, they'll be puking

up in their X-Wings while we’re blowing them away." – LT Psyko

"But don't think you're out of the woods, boys. I've got plenty more "Loyalty Policies" on the Sov than just the Scorps. They're just my first line of defense! I gather congratulations are in order, Psi Squadron has sufficiently piqued my interest enough to advance them to "Level Two" . . . >:)" -FA Kramer

"We all should make a deal that if any one of us wins the lottery, he will share it with the others so we can all retire, buy a large, fortified compound hidden in the mountains of New Mexico or Wyoming (well stocked, of course with our favorite drinks ... oh, and of course, chips), and become full-time EH-ers for the rest of our lives!" -CM Vlade

"TW … What shall I do to become a Fish Warrior...? ;) Will you take me as your apprentice...?" -CPT Todbringer

"Hell yea! That sounds good to me! How 'bout taking a planet with some decent looking women?" -LCM Sanj

"Ar - let them have it - kappa are good to me - "there aint no woman like a

kappa woman" " –LT Amadeo


"Oh man...I resent everything about that statement you Imperial bottomfeeder. Maybe you have lost all sense of honor since you were required to report on your not even good enough to be lackluster performance on this mission, but I have more than enough integrity to go around for all of you brainless sods. I wouldn't even begin to demean myself by using a mission editor to see all of the particulars of a mission before I flew it. You see that last line on my signature? Every one of those words describes

something that you can never dream to achieve. Keep it up missionfailureboy, and you'll wake up in the morning and find a blaster shoved in a very uncomfortable place..." –Rebel MAJ Daemon "Firestorm" Jorval

"E Tu, Wolly?" -LC Sasquatch

"I think he means "jink REAL good, REAL fast, or you get a missile up yer arse"... -MAJ Freelancer

"Hrm.... But, does Sigma have the THIRST, and the HUNGER for really strong booze that Rho and Psi do? Will this squad give its all not for the glory of the fleet, not for the Empire, not for the GA, but for alky-hol? Sasquatch, what say ye? Are the scurvy Sigma dogs (:P) worthy to drink the sacred competition jackpot, the liquor?" -MAJ Freelancer

"No need, Commander! You can have the key to the Shin Squadron Liquor Cabinet(TM). Only thing is that you'll only find CM Timbal's vodka..... Feel like a dissolved colon, anyone?" -CM Timbal

"There's only two ways outta Rho without leaving the T.C.: body bags or out the back door :-) " -LC Calias

"Try the Doors at say 3 or 4 in the morning after you've pulled some kind of allnighter. There's quite a moving experience, even without artificial enhancers." -MAJ Gen Es'mith, during Supremacy Series Round 3.

"Then, one foggy Christmas eve, Kramer came to say, "Rho, with your egos so large, won't you protect the Sov. tonight?" " -COL Dave

"New pic for the Christmas season! Rebels dying a horrible death in the vacuum of space :)" -CPT Darkstar