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Star Wars test

Check if YOU can become a... (more "yes" answers - biger possibility)

A Storm Trooper
- Do you think we can spread out?
- Are these the robots you are looking for?
- Are you afraid to being hit with a rock thrown by a furry bear?
- Can you shoot and NOT hit anyone?
- Do you like uncomfortable uniforms?

Death Star Officer
- Do you like to interrogate princesses?
- Are you able to believe someone who informes you about a reactor
malfunction by radio?
- Are you alergic to fur?

A TIE Fighter Pilot
- Are you afraid to use the radio and prefer to don't speak?
- Do you REALLY believe that you don't have to know how to land?
- Do you understand what does "three thousand seven hundred and four to one" mean?

A Sith Lord
- Do you find others' lack of faith very disturbing?
- Do you have any "long time no seen" children, who have joined the Rebellion lately?
- Do you really believe that an ability to destroy a whole planet is nothing compared to
the power of the Force?
- Do you often feel the presence of someone whom you haven't seen in a long time (this
doesn't work while standing next to a daughter)?
- Is it your destiny?

Y-wing pilot
- Do you like to fly a coffin?
- Can you shout AAAAARRRGHHH really loud?
- Do... you... put... strange... pauses... in... your... sentences...?

X-wing Pilot
- Do you like chatting to other pilots before the battle?
- Do you really think that you don't have to learn how to fly X-wing?
- Have you seen the size of this thing?
- Do you got it almost in range?

A Wookie
- Do you like to walk in a steel sash? ONLY in steel sash...
- Do you like to wear a fur, where others wear only shirts?
- Don't you like a dentist?
- Do you like to use toilets, constructed mainly for humans?
- Do you really think that tearing others' arms will solve every problem?
- Do you like to groan in public?
- Are you afraid of smelly places?

A Main character
- Is it NEVER your fault?
- Are you too short to be a Trooper?
- Do you like to travel with an odd old man (whom you met an hour ago)?
- Is it your last hope?
- Do you have bad feelings about it?
- Do you believe, that something like "luck" doesn't exsist?
- Do you think that Wookie should win?
- Are you afraid of listening to womens' advice?

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