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Top 10 reasons a Tie Pilot knows he is in trouble

10. Flying into battle the Squadron Commander says, "Lets get those J Wings."

  1. Wingman asks, "What does this little red button do?"
  1. Sticker on your tie says Assembled by Jawa Local 182
  1. Returning to hanger after a battle the NO Vacancy sign is lit.
  1. During the mission briefing the wing commander keeps using the words, "A small rebel force."
  1. Eject button has an out of order tag hanging from it.
  1. Arrive on flight deck and see 5 mechanics arguing on who is going to sign off on our ship.
  1. In the middle of a battle you ISD decides to hyper out.
  1. Darth Vader approaches you and says, " You two follow me."

And the number one reason a tie pilot knows he is in trouble-

1. During battle overhearing, "Luke, use the force.


Top 10 things you don’t want the hear your wingman say

10. I never flew one of these before

9. I have to go back, I left the iron on

8. My flight suit wouldn’t seal so I took yours.

7. Yeah I failed out of the academy but my dad was a Moff

6. What do you mean by cover me?

5. Where is the cup holder?

4. I think I’m afraid of flying

3. I left my glasses in my locker just tell me who to shoot at.

2. This is a lot realer than the simulator

And the number one thing you don’t want to hear your wingman say

  1. Oh my god, their using live ammo.

Top ten things you don’t want to hear your mechanic say

10. I think I know how to put it back together.

9. They didn’t teach us that in class yet

8. A little duct tape and it will be fine

7. Have you seen the owner’s manual

6. I wouldn’t fly it

5. I graduated from the Jawa Institute of Technology

4. Those are just spare parts

3. We all use gum as an adhesive

2. Oops

And the number one thing you don’t want to hear your mechanic say

1. I used to be the chief mechanic on the Millenium Falcon

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