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References within the song:

Stone: FL/CPT Stone Darkstar / Psi 3-1 / Wing II / SSSD Sovereign

Psyk: formerly FM/LT -=Psyko=- / Psi 3-3 / Wing II / SSSD Sovereign

currently CMDR/CM -=Psyko=- / Hornet 1-1

Mord: FM/LCM Mordred Pendragon / Psi 2-3 / Wing II / SSSD Sovereign

Free: CMDR/LC Freelancer / Rho 1-1 / Wing II / SSSD Sovereign

"The Good Stuff" liquor: high quality alcohol from Aurora Prime that was one of the prizes in a recent Wing II contest, "The Bout to Drink the Other Squadron Out"

Green Squadron - from the Rebel Squadrons. Tied Psi Squadron in the first round of the Supremacy Series. Both sides are wanting a rematch in the near future.

[Sung to the tune of "Jingle Bells"]

[Verse 1:]

Flying through deep space,

In a souped-up model TIE,

Closing for the kill:

That rebel scum will die!

Now back to the Sov

Better not be late

‘Cause Psi's having it's Christmas bash:

Fried ewok's the main plate!


Jingle Bells, Ah! The smells:

Home-made Sullustan Stew,

Bruallki, Skewered Gungan,

and the "Good Stuff" Liquor, too. Hey!


Jingle Bells, Kramer yells:

"One of my scorps I've lost!!!"

Poor thing got trapped

in the deep frier

But the taste's well worth the cost!


[Verse 2:]

They thought they had us beat

The Good Stuff on the line

They came to claim their treat

Beer, whiskey, rum, and wine.

But little did they know

that Psyk had pulled a trick:

instead he gave ‘em

some stuff that would really make 'em sick!


Jingle Bells, Rho pilots yell:

"Psi's at it again!

We thought we won tha gud stuff

but they gave us rotten gin! Oh!"

Jingle Bells, their heads do swell

from hangovers galore.

But Free's not sick: he liked the Kick

so he's coming back for more!


[Verse 3:]

Green Squadron's all tucked in

Their stockings hung just right.

Twelve "good boys" expect some toys

From Santa Claus tonight.


But Stone sneaks through the door

with Mord not far behind.

When Green awakes

Their heads will ache

From the gift that they will find: BOOM!

Jingle Bells, the Greenies yell:

"Who booby trapped our bunks

with pasty goo, that's sticky too

and makes us smell like skunks?"

Jingle Bells, those rebs sure smell

But it's no surprise

Guess they've learned the hard way

that you do not mess with Psi!

[By CM Vlade. 99.12.21]

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