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An Interview with Grand Admiral Ronin by Major Shups

I must have been debriefed by a dozen officials and gone through atleast twice as many security checks as I finally stood outside of the door leading into the Grand Admiral’s office.

I had a brief respite in my duties, and I had requested an interview with the Grand Admiral himself, to be published in the Tie Corps Magazine that Vice Admiral Val Ricaud would be publishing to the officers of the Tie Corps.

The two guards standing at each side of the door motioned for me to enter and the door slid open without a sound.

"Do come in Major," a voice from within said.

I straightened my posture and stepped inside, the door closing behind me. The room itself was enormous, with exotic plants, artwork, and furniture bringing the décor of the room to a culmination of splendor that up and till then I had only read about. I saw no guards, but I realized there were numerous hiding places in the room. My thoughts could not dwell on this for very long though, because off to my left hand side, standing behind an enormous desk was the Grand Admiral himself.

The white uniform of a Grand Admiral is most impressive. But, even more impressive is the being who is wearing it. I wish I could describe more of the meeting in further detail, the way the Grand Admiral’s glowing red eyes reacted with wisdom and forethought to my questions, or his postures and mannerisms. But when I exited the room, with my scandoc pad in hand, this is what I had documented:

Major Shups: 1. How is the Emperor's Hammer faring in the war versus the Rebels at this point?

Grand Admiral Ronin: ** If you mean overall with respect to the EH timeline/storyline, please visit: ...If you mean specifically EH vs

RS, we are doing better in this round of Outer Rim/Minos Melee Nights and the EH seems to be one of the few groups online that can actually field a reliable force of pilots each week...:) **

Major Shups: 2. How many Outer Rim melee nights must pass before a territory is conceded either by the Rebels or (dare I ask) the EH?

Grand Admiral Ronin: ** There really isn't a set number...I had originally authored the Minos Cluster to be a "backdrop" for EH vs RS online battles. Although I had "conceded" the Minos Cluster to the RS for use, Darkov is currently working with the RS to have NEW EH vs RS XWA/XvT and JK melee nights set in Minos. **

Major Shups: 3. Besides OR nights is there any way that the Tie Corps can defeat the Rebels to the point of gaining further Rebel Territory?

Grand Admiral Ronin: ** Sure, I suppose...challenging other online clubs besides the RS or "author/create" new systems. But be cautioned, finding another well organized online Star Wars gaming club that can RELIABLY field pilots each week is not an easy task...:) **

Major Shups: 4. Can a specific planet in a system be taken by either the Rebels or the EH based on a competition? For example, if the RS high command and the EH High Command would decide on such a competition, the victor would gain a planet.

Grand Admiral Ronin: ** That is somewhat along the lines of what Darkov is working on as Combat Operations Officer (COO) **

Major Shups: 5. Are there resources available for the Tie Corps capital ships to gain more of a battle group? For instance, say that in our shipyards a new Frigate was made, is there a way that we could set up a competiton to see who would get the ship?

Grand Admiral Ronin: ** Sure, that may be a good idea to bring up to the EH Training Officer (FA Astatine) and the EH Flight Officer (AD Kessler) **

Major Shups: 6. Finally, what is your overall opinion of the Tie Corps? Are you satisfied with the Tie Corps' performance?

Grand Admiral Ronin: ** It continues to amaze me EVERY day...I am happy to say it's the enthusiastic, vibrant core of the EH like it always has been and should continue. **

As I reflect back on the interview now, I can only say that I am inspired to do my best after being in the presence of Grand Admiral Ronin.

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