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> Interview done by CMDR/CM Matt Patrick/Teth/W IV/SSSD Sovereign/

> ok what is your standard ID Line?

<WhtTiger> CH-S White Tiger (Aurora Prime)/CH-1[M-CRV: Oeil du Tigre][SHU:Sher Khan][LXY:Tiger Eyes][Estate][CoD][BU][BST]

> what is your rank?

<WhtTiger> The Senate does not have ranks

<WhtTiger> I am currently Chancellor, head of the Imperial Senate

> wow, what are some of the duties the senate performs?

<WhtTiger> The Senate is a civilian bunch

<WhtTiger> we hold debates, competitions to write stories, create graphics

<WhtTiger> there's more to it, but that's an outline

> how much mandotory hours do you spend doing your duties as the Chancellor?

<WhtTiger> I actually am just now taking over the duties of Chancellor as the first Chancellor of the Senate, Nighthawk retired.

<WhtTiger> But, I would estimate a minimum of 10 a week

> Yikes! My duties as CMDR are no where near that. How much optional hours do you spend with your duties as Chancellor?

<WhtTiger> With my internet addiction? :::laughing::: Well, let's just say a lot of my free time

> heh. I spend lots of time doing non-mandotory things too.

> So are you happy with your rank or do you wish you were lower down the ladder for less time consumption?

<WhtTiger> As I said, I only just now took the position. But, I am happy and honored to have been promoted to that position. I think i already spend a lot of time on IS work, so it probably won't be much different. Just more email

> are you in any other subgroups or battlegroups?

<WhtTiger> I am actually in the TIE Corps, altho not as a very active member at the moment

> what rank are you in the TC?

<WhtTiger> Just became AD White Tiger with my promotion to Chancellor

> what position do you hold within the TC?

<WhtTiger> I gather Chancellor of the Senate from the new ID line I just received

> In your estimation how long have you been in the Emperor's Hammer?

<WhtTiger> I have been an official member for about 4 months, but lurked around for about a year before that

<WhtTiger> hmmmm...actually, maybe closer to 6 months

> Do you have any plans of change within the senate?

<WhtTiger> I dont have any plans of total change, however there will be some shifts

> what would you like to shift?

<WhtTiger> There will be a little more delegation of work. People will actually be responsible for the things their position is responsible for

<WhtTiger> Positions will interact with each other a little more

> with a quick estimation how much people are in the senate?

<WhtTiger> approximate 118 members

> would you consider the senate as being fun?

<WhtTiger> Yes, I enjoy it much. Or I wouldnt do it

> anyother notes you would like to add?

<WhtTiger> The Imperial Senate is a very good subgroup that allows people to show off their talents in realms other then game playing. Beleive me, there is something for everyone.

> Ok thank you Ma'am. Your interview has really helped

<WhtTiger> Anytime :-)

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