November, 1999 - Month in Review Edited and Compiled by: Contents:
INTRODUCTION TO THE DARK LEGIONNAIRE In the past, the Dark Legionnaire has been an erratic publication, coming out whenever there was deemed enough material to make publication worthwhile. This changes beginning in the month of December. With the new millenium comes a new publication schedule for our newsletter. The Dark Legionnaire will be published monthly. It will also sport a new look, and be in html-format only. We should all thank Commander, Training Wolver for his efforts in keeping the newsletter alive up to this point. Thanks Wolver! The Hammer's Fist General Staff takes care of all the details of operating the Legion. They determine Legion policy, ranks, web pages, standards of participation, and keep the Legion up to date on current affairs. Without their leadership capability, the Legion would collapse. Each Legionnaire, they make a report on their operations over the month. Prefect's Report Greetings, Since joining the Hammer's Fist two years ago I have held a variety of positions. I've served everywhere from Trooper to Executive Officer, and all the ranks between. With the retirement of FM Tarkin I am facing my greatest challenge yet: Command of this honorable group. Though we are small we are dedicated! I have an excelled General Staff to back me up, and some of the finest legion commanders that we've seen in a long time. The Hammer's Fist is poised to grow! FM Tarkin left us with an excellent operation in Operation White Storm, and the activity that it generated was astounding! The turn out of you men and women of the Hammer's Fist show that we truly have the base to build the great group that we will become! But nothing good happens without work. The operations staff and I are preparing operations even as we speak. The Platoon League is being re-vamped and re-set, and we have two excellent operations in the near future! I have no wish but to honor FM Tarkin as he leaves us as an active trooper. Tarkin has been my mentor and teacher for a long time, giving me many helpful words on his time as Commander, Operations and Prefect. His words will serve me well in the days that lie ahead. For now men and women of the New Order, we have work to do! Lets wrap this last week of the platoon league strong! Only 20 points separate 2nd and 4th place... with a little effort, anything can happen! In service to the Empire, Commander, Development Report I am honored to be the new Commander, Design of the Hammer's Fist. It's a big office to fill, and Kryder's shoes aren't small either. I had tried to pull up Alpha Company to new heights during my tenure of 3 months as CCo. I think I partially succeeded. The platoon commanders can take as much credit as myself though. Collectively, we ran at least four competitions (one to finish early next month, actually). I've got big plans for the Office of Development. It will attempt to encompass manuals, newsletters, house the Masterlinks, HF projects past present future, and more. FM Kryder has graceously suspended my XO duties for a week or two as I settle into the new office. Then my work will really begin! I look forward to working directly with the general staff, and forwarding the HF cause. CD/LTC Ares/GS-2/DREAD Retribution =SS= [HCx2,LoSx4,BC,CoOx2][LoA] Commander, Personnel Report As you probably all know by now, Ares has been named as the new Commander of Development for the Hammer's Fist following FM Kryder's recent promotion to Prefect of the Legion. This leaves his old position of CCo ("A") open for anyone interested. Please apply to BCo Spazninmov with a cc to Ares, Fugazi, and Kryder. Check out the new features now on the HF Database... you can now display to everyone all kinds of information about both yourself and your HF persona. Watch the MB's for any details on or about the Database. Most of my time lately has been dedicated to this project (I just wish Kryder would show me how to work the darn thing :P) and I would really like to see it succeed. On that note I want to thank everyone for their cooperation and enthusiasm so far... keep the ideas rolling in. Until next time... Commander, Operations Report Hi again--lots of stuff coming from the Operations office! The Platoon League, as you know, is ending this Friday, and will re-open next Friday with new & improved rules. We also currently have 2 new operations in the works, as well as a legion-wide survey coming out very soon. We're looking forward to seeing a LOT of participation and activity in the revamped PL, and in the new operations we have... -CO/COL Daala/GS-4/Carrida II =SS= [HC][IE][LoS][MoDx2] Platoon League scores for this month are:
Commander, Training Report This has been a very good month in the CSMA, I've passed 7 troopers since I've become the CT and many of the new troopers have been doing very well. I've also redone the SSBTC with assistance by Major Thanatos and I've created the SSATC which is not approved at the time of this writing but should be by the time this is published. The SSITC should be receiving a makeover in early December I plan to use an idea by SGT Zekk to replace the bio section of the SSITC. CT/LTC Wolver/GS-5/PLT Declaration =SS= [HCx2] [IE] [LoS] [LoC] [IH] [MoDx2] Commander, Internet Affairs Report - Best of the Hammer's Fist site operational ( - Note: I will be in the process of moving from Canada to Australia one week (give or take), before and after the New keep this in mind Colonel Howlader Commander, Design Report No report this month. The Staff Officers, though they are not given enough responsibility to be given a position on the General Staff, these hard workers do jobs that make the Hammer's Fist a much better place to be. No reports this month. The unit commanders are the real souls to the legion. They keep the units under their command active and happy. Without people like the Battalion commander and the Company commander, the Legions would not exist. Phoenix Battalion Report No report this month Alpha Company Report This October has been a tremendously busy month for me with school. I have not gotten done many of the things I wanted to, but then again, I wanted to do too much. Vendetta platoon is being rehabilitated and Vengeance continues with its impossible lead in the Platoon League! I've endeavored to keep the company site reasonably up to date, and Masterlinks Project is all smoothed out. There will be a few new websites appearing on it in the coming month as I make my monthly Masterlinks rounds. Next month, I hope to alter the look of the company site a little more, adding headings to the pages and the long-awaited history section. I had started a company-wide competition at the end of this month to supply just that. Also next month, I hope to begin working out the details of the backstory for Op:Corporate Shadow, although the new TC ban of custom ships for Tie Fighter and similar games puts a monkey wrench in the gears. I will be working closely with CO Daala for the HF portion of the operation. I won't say anything more on Op:CS or everyone will become jaded by it because it is going to take forever to bring it to reality. CCo/CPT Ares/Alpha/Carrida II =SS=, HCx2/LoSx4/CoOx2 LoA Bravo Company Report No report this month. Though the members of the Legion are primarily soldiers, some of them have been noted for their artistic side. Any artwork appearing here is the result of much hard work and training just like the hard work and training required by the bulk of the stormtroopers. Artwork Contents:
Ribbon: Dar'Telis Ribbon: Code Yellow Ribbon: Codebreaker Ribbon: Urban Assault Ribbon: Relics of the Empire Ribbon: White Storm
TROOPER FICTION Since the last Newsletter, a lot has happened to the members of the legion. This section will contain the stories as seen by the people in the Hammer's Fist. Fiction Contents: Click HERE to view the fiction page. The Hammer's Fist requires that it's members be knowledgeable about a great many things. Found in this section are the manuals that have been written since the last newsletter. The manuals themselves however are in not in this file. No new manuals have been written. No manuals have been updated. The Hammer's Fist is meant to be an active subgroup. To be an active subgroup, the legion must compete in operations. The operations currently running are listed here with a brief summary. Operation: White Storm has finished. A Special Edition Dark Legionnaire will be published concerning this operation. No operations are currently being held. - Copyright, Lieutenant Colonel Dansin Wolver ( - Microsoft Word is copyrighted (c) 1983-1996 by the Microsoft Corporation. - PKZIP/UNZIP are copyrighted (c) 1989-1997 PKWARE Inc. All Rights Reserved. The author of this document may occasionally publish photographs or artwork submitted by a member. The Prefect herein notifies all readers that the submitter of the artwork, graphic or photograph is responsible for notifying the Prefect of the origin of the picture so that proper credit may be given to its author. When the origin or author of a particular picture is not submitted, the Prefect will credit the sender of the same with his/her e-mail address and date (year). Authors of original computer-generated artwork will also be so recognized in the picture caption. When written text is submitted for posting in the document, all submitters are reminded that credit must be given to its original author (if applicable) and the Prefect notified so that proper credit can be given in the document. |