DGM Report – 29/5/98 Greetings. With my recent appointment as Deputy Grand Master, I have set about gaining all the information about Clans and Houses that I need. The large majority responded within days of the call, while others took a little longer. However, I do wish to thank all those who have given me this information. With it, I will be keeping accurate records of Clan’s and Houses’ status, on both their fictional and activity sides. Soon, some of the Clan and House leaders will hear from me with regards to the fictional side. It is my aim to get all Clans and Houses with updated web pages, active leadership and correct histories. This may seem trivial to some, however it will form the basis of more DB activities and a sense of pride and belonging. I hope to be working with all of you sometime in the future. I will always be around, and if you need any help, if you have a question or just want to shoot the breeze, feel free to e-mail me at jammin@jounce.net and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. I hope to have more to report for the next Dark Voice, until then, let your anger consume you... <BOW> - Clan and House Information - |