Table of Contents: Powers of the Dark Jedi: Force Powers: General

Background | General Overview | Selecting Force Powers | Order and Focus Switching | Non-Order Force Powers

The previous Force Powers system was nothing more than a list of powers one received upon attaining a given rank. Everyone received the same powers regardless of Order. Character customization was impossible, the powers were unbalanced and often strange, but we lived with it. After several months of brainstorming, debate, discussion, and deliberation by the Dark Brotherhood Think-Tank, the Brotherhood has a new Force Power system. This is a short guide to the completely revamped Dark Brotherhood Force Powers. Please take a few minutes to read through this in order to get acquainted with this new system. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the any of the DC members.


With each rank promotion, new and more powerful Force Powers are available to a Dark Jedi. With one's first steps toward the Dark Side, one learns Force Powers that will serve as the foundation upon which more powerful Force Powers are learned. Perhaps these are not the most outwardly powerful powers, but mastery of them is key to continuing down the Dark Path. Acolytes and Protectors, graduates of the Shadow Academy and full members of a clan, expand their knowledge of the Dark Side. These powers are more powerful than those learned in the comforts of the Shadow Academy, but still relatively weak. Bedrocks of the path, they are. The next big step on the journey comes at Guardian, where the Dark Jedi learns his first Order-Specific Force Power. By now, the Dark Jedi knows the general workings of the Dark Side and can begin concentrating on his Order's specific knowledge of the Dark Side. These powers-Affect Mind for Krath, Contort/Escape for Obelisk, Instinctive Astrogation for Sith-are basic to all Order-Specific powers and are themselves representative of the Orders.

The creation and igniting of one's lightsaber signifies one's ascent to one of the most prestigious ranks in the entire Emperor's Hammer fleet, Dark Jedi Knight. With a strong foundation in the General Force Powers and knowledge of an Order's most basic Force Powers, the Dark Jedi now concentrates his studies on a specific area of an Order's wisdom. As the Dark Jedi's connection with the Dark Side of the Force strengthens and deepens, he is allowed access to the other areas of his Order's wisdom; a Dark Jedi Knight would be overwhelmed if he tried to plumb the entire depths of his Order, but an Archpriest or Battlemaster with experience in one area can tread the ocean of knowledge safely.

When one reaches the illustrious rank of Dark Jedi Master, only a few Force Powers remain available. The Dark Jedi can now master the Force Powers he already knows, learning new ways to use and expand those Powers. Though no physical manifestation of the Force is immortal or invincible, a Dark Jedi Master, with the Dark Side fueling his plethora of Powers, is the closest any Dark Jedi can be to a god.

General Overview

The Force Powers are divided into two categories, General and Order-Specific. General Force Powers are available to all Dark Jedi, whereas Order-Specific Force Powers are, as their name implies, only available to members of that Order. Similar to the previous system, more Force Powers become available to a Dark Jedi as he ascends in rank. With every rank promotion, more General Force Powers are available, and, at certain ranks, some Order-Specific Force Powers, too.

In order to quantify one's knowledge of a particular Force Power, Dark Jedi are allotted Force Power points that they can distribute amongst their available Force Powers. Thus, a Guardian with 4 Force Power points in Telekinesis is more adept with that power than a Guardian-or Sith Warlord or Krath Epis-with 3 Force Power points in Telekinesis. One (1) Force Power point is required to be able to use a Force Power.

Selecting Force Powers

From Apprentice to Protector: Only General Force Powers are available to members of these ranks. All points must be spent within the given rank caps and each General Force Power must have at least one (1) point put into it.

Once a focus is selected, members must put at least one Force Power point into all available focus Force Powers when they are promoted (just like any other available Force Power). Non-focus Order-specific Force Powers can be selected starting at Archpriest/Battlemaster, and can only be selected two ranks below the current (see Table 2 below).

Also, starting at DJK, members can add points to any other Force Power they already have learned. For example, a DJK can put additional points into Force Speed, but a JH cannot.

Order and Focus Switching

Dark Jedi who switch Orders can keep all their earned General Force Powers - this includes only Force Powers till the rank of Dark Jedi Knight. However, they must start at the bottom of their new Order's Force Power list. For example, if a Krath Archpriest (focus: War Wizard) switches to Sith, he will keep Illusion, Affect Mind, Dominate Beast, and Force Bubble, but he will have to learn Instinctive Astrogation and Inflict Pain before he can learn any of the Sith Order-specific Powers.

If one wants to switch foci, he must complete a new Force Power character sheet starting from Dark Jedi Knight. All Order-Specific Force Powers learned will be erased, but (obviously) will be relearned. This is to prevent people from circumventing the rank penalty. For example, if a Sith Warlord wants to change his focus from Fighter Pilot to Sinister, he will lose all of his Order-Specific powers (Glowball, Vehicle Hypertolerance, Precise Targeting, Instinctive Mechanization, Force Dodge, and any others he accrued) and his General Force Powers down to Dark Jedi Knight. He then will fill out an entirely new Force Power character sheet from Dark Jedi Knight up to Sith Warlord.

Non-Order Force Powers

No non-Order Force Powers may be selected. Krath can only select from General and Krath Force Powers, Sith can only select from General and Sith Force Powers, and Obelisks can only select from General and Obeliskian Force Powers.

Table of Contents: Powers of the Dark Jedi: Force Powers: General